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Intermodal Dispersion in Optical Fiber PDF Free: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Pulse Prop


Abstract:Four-wave mixing in optical fibers has been proven to have many applications within processing of classical optical signals. In addition, recent developments in multimode fibers have made it possible to achieve the necessary phase-matching for efficient four-wave mixing over a very wide bandwidth. Thus, the combination of multimode fiber optics and four-wave mixing is very attractive for various applications. This is especially the case for applications in quantum communication, for example in photon-pair generation. This is the subject of this work, where we discuss the impact of fluctuations in core radius on the quality of the heralded single-photon states and demonstrate experimental results of intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing for photon-pair generation.Keywords: quantum communication; photon-pair generation; nonlinear fiber optics; four-wave mixing

At the time of writing, it is just over 10 years since a seemingly simple research project at Bell Laboratories led to a new revolution in optical frequency metrology, when in 1999, in a packed CLEO postdeadline session, the first public presentation of supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal (or microstructure) fibers was given (Ranka et al. 1999).

intermodal dispersion in optical fiber pdf free

This work had started a year earlier as a curiosity I had had as a post-doc at Bell Laboratories on the possibilities of extreme nonlinear interactions in small-core high-numerical aperture (NA) silica fibers that were fabricated with a transverse microstructure or photonic crystal fiber cladding. In all honesty, at the time I did not consider the possibility that the fiber structure would so substantially alter the dispersive and modal properties of the fiber so far from the zero dispersion wavelength of bulk silica. The success of this work is a tribute to the ability of a commercial research organization to understand and encourage basic research with a long-range outlook. Having a management team step back and allow a post-doc to work independently, with support, free from bureaucratic or technical interference, allowed the project to proceed unhindered.

After a survey of a number of different fibers that our optical fiber research group had fabricated and initial calculations of potential nonlinear effects that would occur with femtosecond duration pulses, a simple fiber design was chosen to start experimenting with.

The idea of this paper is to present optical and microwave systems making use of new materials. Materials science as an interdisciplinary field has pushed on the development of revolutionary technologies such as polymer, semiconductors and nanomaterials. A brief introduction to optical and related microwave transmission systems was given; pure-optical, fiber-optic, Radar, WLAN and hybrid transmission systems have been taken into account. Principle operations and first promising experimental results in telecom and automotive applications have been shown. Also using Radar techniques we presented a Matlab/Simulink model of a correlation method for speed measurement allowing a variation of all known parameters. 2ff7e9595c


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